If you are a caretaker of an elderly person, help is here. Learn where help is available:The Administration on Aging offers many services such as fall prevention, aging and disability programs, brain, oral, and behavioral health programs, elder abuse prevention, legal assistance, and retirement planning, and has chapters in most of the U.S. Find AoA services in your area.The … [Read more...] about Practical Tips When Caring for Our Elders
Support Networks
How to Network and Build Your Personal Support System
Workers across industries know this proverb to be true: “It’s not what you know, it’s whom you know.” The key to building a great career is networking, or growing the circle of people in your field of work who can help you find a job. Although your skills and qualifications do matter, here is why networking may matter even more: Recommendations. Words on paper … [Read more...] about How to Network and Build Your Personal Support System
Dealing with Dejection
During a time of isolation, feelings of rejection heighten. If you’ve dealt with a messy breakup, been abandoned, or experienced major death loss, the chaos of world events might bring you full circle to Stage 1 of grief, which you thought had passed. Add to that children in your face, fingers under the bathroom door, and tweenage attitudes about school assignments, and these … [Read more...] about Dealing with Dejection
8 Ways to Keep in Touch with Elderly Loved Ones When You Can’t See Them in Person
The elderly, especially those with preexisting conditions (heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, respiratory issues including asthma and COPD, etc.) are at highest risk of dying from infectious disease. When they have to go into isolation, they still need regular contact with their family and friends. Here are ideas to keep up their spirits while you are separated. … [Read more...] about 8 Ways to Keep in Touch with Elderly Loved Ones When You Can’t See Them in Person
14 Tips to Take Care of Your Own Mental Health
Your mental health is so important, but it can be hard to find time to take care of yourself. Luckily, you can improve your mental health even when you can’t take the day off or spend time with others! Here are 12 tips to help you get through challenging times: By Clare Hettich … [Read more...] about 14 Tips to Take Care of Your Own Mental Health
10 Tips for Dealing with Typical Separation Anxiety
In all situations, there comes a time when separation is inevitable. Whether a death across the country or a business trip in another state mandates it, there will come a time when you have to pull the tiny fingers off of your own and step away from the leg hug so familiar to you. Some mothers have expressed to me the trauma experienced from the first morning of day care … [Read more...] about 10 Tips for Dealing with Typical Separation Anxiety
Why Friendship Matters (and How That Changes As a Parent!)
Maybe meeting your friends at the movies on a Friday night helps you relax after a tough week at work. Perhaps calling a friend after receiving difficult news provides you with the support you need to complete a semester at school. Or maybe hearing a friend’s excitement about the fact that you got into the graduate program of your choice makes you feel loved and encouraged as … [Read more...] about Why Friendship Matters (and How That Changes As a Parent!)
Why Friendship Matters (and How That Changes While Pregnant!)
According to a study from UCLA, women may not respond to stress with the popularly referred to “fight-or-flight” mechanism, but rather, with a “tend-and-befriend” mechanism. In other words, women typically rely on friend networks to cope with difficult situations and times of change. Finding out that you’re pregnant means that you’re about to go through a lot of changes, and … [Read more...] about Why Friendship Matters (and How That Changes While Pregnant!)
Find Your Village
You have probably heard the phrase, “It takes a village.” Usually, this phrase refers to child-rearing and birth, and while it may not take a literal village to successfully give birth and raise children, it does take a metaphorical one. That is why we encourage you to find your village. Women have very powerful instincts. When a baby is conceived, a mother is born. This … [Read more...] about Find Your Village
8 Tools for Coping with Miscarriage
Emotions You May Feel: It’s normal to feel an array of emotions after a pregnancy loss. These emotions can range from but are not limited to: sadness, numbness, shock, depression, anger, disbelief, a sense of failure, and vulnerability. The first thing to remember during this time is that it’s OK to feel these emotions. Second, the loss of pregnancy isn’t your fault; … [Read more...] about 8 Tools for Coping with Miscarriage
Whatever You Need Is OK When Dealing with Pregnancy Loss
One in three women will experience pregnancy loss. This is a staggering number. Sadly, most of these women will experience a miscarriage, late miscarriage (sometimes called a demise by doctors), or stillbirth without any support. They will be alone, emotionally and physically. But it doesn’t have to be this way. If this is your experience, we are sorry for your … [Read more...] about Whatever You Need Is OK When Dealing with Pregnancy Loss