First things first: Don’t panic! There is help out there. Consider your options:
- Apply for any resources that may help you with your bills while you search. Always check your local department of human services, or try a simple internet search.
- Use Networking: Reach out to your state department of jobs and family services, sometimes called human services, which often run Job Stores — internet sites that list employers currently hiring. Also seek out local charities or houses of worship. Additionally, Facebook has job search groups for local areas to aid in networking, as does LinkedIn.
- Train or Study: Use the time in between jobs to retrain or switch careers.
As you apply for jobs, keep in mind the process can be tedious — don’t give up, and stay in touch with the potential employer.
If you are between the ages of 16 and 24, there are grants to pay for schooling or vocational training, on-the-job training, job placement, and other needs.
Check out: Youth Programs | U.S. Department of Labor
But bottom line: Do not let a past employer or job or a job loss define your self-worth! There are usually more resources out there than you may know.
Check out: Program Areas | U.S. Department of Labor
By Joyce McCauley-Benner, Editor