- Watch a movie with a new snack. Pick up some weird flavor of popcorn or some other new snack and pop in a movie.
- Candlelight dinner for two under your own roof. Buy something special at the grocery store and put the kids to bed early. Cook it together for some extra fun.
- Have a game night! Break out your favorite board game or just a deck of cards and look up the instructions for a new game online.
- Have your own spa night. Get whatever comfy beauty product you want and pamper yourselves.
- Go camping in your own backyard. Use, purchase, or borrow as many or as few camping supplies as you want, and just spend the night looking at the stars.
- Work out together. Exercise does not have to be expensive.
- Take an online class together.
- Teach each other something. I’m sure there is something you don’t know that your partner does or vice versa. Share the knowledge.
- Start your own book club. Pick out a book together and discuss it as you go.
- Make a scavenger hunt. One of you plan out a scavenger hunt for the other that ends in something sweet, like a love letter.
- Get lost on the internet. Search random words on Google or look at videos on YouTube. Share what you notice and what you think.
- Paint a picture. Get some paper or canvas and paint and work together to make a picture or two.
- Discuss the future. Write out your own bucket lists and see what conversations get sparked.
- Celebrate the year you met. Or the year you were born. Or just about any year. Just pick out a movie or music from that year and take a trip down memory lane.
- Take online quizzes and discuss your results.
- Watch the sunrise or the sunset. It sounds cheesy, but you can’t get any more romantic than that.